A perfect Sunday with... Adrian Tchaikovsky

Super-powered crime, palaeontology after dark, and greasy spoons together at last!

A perfect Sunday with... Adrian Tchaikovsky

Every week, one of my pals reveals how they’d fill their perfect Sunday, sharing their favourite comfort reads, movies, food… anything that would make their weekend great. Today, it’s the turn of author of Lords of Uncreation, Adrian Tchaikovsky.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… brunch

Bacon, fried egg, and mushrooms, in a roll, excessively overcooked. Ideally served in a greasy spoon café with white coffee.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… read

Emma Newman’s one of my favourite authors and she’s just released a new collection of short fiction called Before After Alone, which I’ll be listening to via her own narration.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… comic

One comic that I keep coming back to is Alan Moore/Gene Ha/Zander Cannon’s Top Ten – a police procedural in a city where everyone has superpowers. It’s an extremely clever book with a lot of memorable characters and attention to detail.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… movie

Honestly depending on mood, Ex Machina, Arrival or Rogue One.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… TV binge

Following on from Rogue One, Andor has absolutely been the show that’s blown me away recently.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… podcast

Either Hammer House of Podcasts or Palaeontology After Dark, depending on how I’m feeling.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… album

I move around a lot with music. Recently Lorne Balfe’s His Dark Materials soundtrack has been on top a lot, or else Woodkid’s S16.

Adrian’s perfect Sunday… treat

I am a tabletop gamer for preference. A good board game or role-playing game with friends is definitely my preferred way to unwind.

Lords of Uncreation by Adrian Tchaikovsky is out now from Tor UK.

Book 3 in the stunning Final Architecture trilogy by Adrian Tchaikovsky, the Arthur C Clarke Award-winning author of Children of Time

He's found a way to end their war, but will humanity survive to see it?

Idris Telemmier has uncovered a secret that changes everything – the Architects’ greatest weakness. A shadowy Cartel scrambles to turn his discovery into a weapon against these alien destroyers of worlds. But between them and victory stands self-interest. The galaxy’s great powers would rather pursue their own agendas than stand together against this shared terror.

Human and inhuman interests wrestle to control Idris’ discovery, as the galaxy erupts into a mutually destructive and self-defeating war. The other great obstacle to striking against their alien threat is Idris himself. He knows that the Architects, despite their power, are merely tools of a higher intelligence.

Deep within unspace, where time moves differently, and reality isn’t quite what it seems, their masters are the true threat. Masters who are just becoming aware of humanity’s daring – and taking steps to exterminate this annoyance forever.

Adrian Tchaikovsky was born in Lincolnshire before heading off to Reading to study psychology and zoology. For reasons unclear even to himself he subsequently ended up in law and has worked as a legal executive in both Reading and Leeds, where he now lives with his wife and son. He's the author of the critically acclaimed Shadows of the Apt series, the Echoes of the Fall trilogy, and The Doors of Eden. Children of Time was the winner of the 30th Anniversary Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. @aptshadow.