A Perfect Sunday with... TJ Klune

Classic comics, stunning horror and... Andres3000 on flute!

A Perfect Sunday with... TJ Klune

Every week, a top writer, artist or creator reveals how they’d fill their perfect Sunday, sharing their favourite comfort reads, movies, food… anything that would make their weekend great.

Today, it’s the turn of Heartsong author, TJ Klune.

TJ’s perfect Sunday… brunch

English Breakfast Tea, hash browns, and an omelette the size of my head

TJ’s perfect Sunday… read

Paradise-1 by David Wellington

Space horror? So relaxing!

TJ’s perfect Sunday… comic

Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson. If you haven't read these comics since you were a child, do yourself a favour and pick them back up. The many levels they work on make them feel like a brand new read through the eyes of an adult.

TJ’s perfect Sunday… movie

It Follows, one of the best horror movies made in the 21st century. In news that might either be great or terrible, the filmmakers recently announced a sequel, and I want it so bad, but I also don't want it to get made. I don't know. I'm a conundrum.

TJ’s perfect Sunday… TV binge

Breaking Bad. To say this show is a comfort watch is an understatement. I have seen it all the way through a ridiculous amount of times, and it never fails to make me feel relaxed. Which is ironic, seeing as how it's a show about meth distribution.

TJ’s perfect Sunday… podcast

The MinnMax Show is a video game podcast that I adore. It's one of the few podcasts I support via their Patreon so I can get all the extra content they put out. I might have a crush on one of the hosts. It's fine. I'm working through it.

‎The MinnMax Show on Apple Podcasts
‎Leisure · 2024

TJ’s perfect Sunday… album

New Blue Sun by Andre3000. A talented rapper whose wordplay is extraordinary, and he finally releases a solo album! Hurray! Wait, it's a weird jazz record where the rapper plays the flute the whole time? Hell. Yes.

(Seriously--this album is the bee's knees.)

TJ’s perfect Sunday… treat

I just moved to a new home across the country, and now I live in the middle of the woods in the mountains. This past Sunday, it snowed almost 2 feet of snow. I spent a good hour outside catching snowflakes on my tongue. I'm 41 years old. It was perfect.

Heartsong by TJ Klune is out now from Tor Books.

Heartsong is the third book in the Green Creek Series, the beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.

The Bennett family has a secret: They're not just a family, they're a pack. Heartsong is Robbie Fontaine's story.

All Robbie Fontaine ever wanted was a place to belong. After the death of his mother, he bounces around from pack to pack, forming temporary bonds to keep from turning feral. It’s enough—until he receives a summons from the wolf stronghold in Caswell, Maine. Life as the trusted second to Michelle Hughes—the Alpha of all—and the cherished friend of a gentle old witch teaches Robbie what it means to be pack, to have a home. But when a mission from Michelle sends Robbie into the field, he finds himself questioning where he belongs and everything he’s been told.

Whispers of traitorous wolves and wild magic abound—but who are the traitors and who the betrayed? More than anything, Robbie hungers for answers, because one of those alleged traitors is Kelly Bennett—the wolf who may be his mate.

The truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, everything will shatter.

TJ KLUNE is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling, Lambda Literary Award-winning author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, The Extraordinaries, and more. Being queer himself, Klune believes it's important—now more than ever—to have accurate, positive queer representation in stories.