The best-laid plans...

Hello there!
So, I'd planned to do a question-and-answer special today and had been dutifully gathering questions from my website's Ask Me Anything form and my socials. Then, out of the blue, urgent edits on a project swept in unexpectedly to claim the time I needed to write the newsletter!
Such is the life of a freelance writer! No matter how much you try to plan your day/week/month, something lands that derails everything.
The combination of extra work and a rotten head cold means that I'm going to have to take a raincheck on this week's newsletters, but don't worry, I'll be back next week with those Q&As.
In fact, I've received so many it will probably roll over a few weeks!
It does mean that you have chance to ask your own question. Just reply to this email, add your question to the comments on this post, or use my Ask Me Anything form!
Right, better get back to it!
Thanks for your understanding. Normal service will be resumed soon!
Until then, look after yourself and each other,