Fan Art Showcase
Plus news on upcoming appearances, latest interviews and more!

Hello there!
First of all, thank you for all the wonderful comments on the news that I'm returning for a third Star Wars audio drama from Penguin Random House. The response to Tempest Breaker has been incredible, and we still have months to go until release! The countdown starts here!
Recent interviews
Unfortunately, I couldn't talk about Tempest Breaker when I spoke to Alex at Star Wars Explained as we recorded the interview when the news had yet to be revealed, but it was still a fun chat. It always is with SWE! We talked about the challenges of writing Star Wars stories that closely interest other releases, magic in a galaxy far, far away, Young Jedi Adventures and the return of a certain character in the High Republic Marvel comic run.
I also pop up in a recent newsletter post by Cole Haddon who asked a number of writers how they 'stop worrying and love the rewrite'.

Cole's newsletter is a treasure trove of creative advice and I was over the moon to be included alongside some real heroes of mine including Nicholas Meyer and Paul Weitz.
Here's a little of what I say:
Rewriting starts in the writing. Kind of. I'm a butt-in-the-seat-and-get-through-the-zero-draft-without-stopping kind of guy, so won't go back and edit at all until I reach the end. But, even though I outline, ideas do come to me mid-flow and/or characters surprise me along the way. That's why I always write with a notebook beside me. As new ideas come, or changes evolve, I jot down what I'm going to have to go back and change in the next run-through. The same goes with theme and identity. While I often start with a theme in mind, that too can change in small or sometimes apocalyptic ways. Again, I do the same. I jot down the ideas as they come and what that will mean for what I've written so far, so I can go back and adjust.
You can head this way to read the rest and subscribe to Cole's newsletter!
Upcoming Event
Yesterday, it was announced that I'm returning to Portsmouth Comic Con, alongside my buddy George Mann!

One of the friendliest conventions in the UK, Portsmouth Comic Con takes place 11th - 12th May and you can book tickets here!
And will I be trying to get my photo taken in the replica Ecto 1? You bet I will!
Celebrating fans and fan-art!
Okay, now onto the main reason for my mail this week. I am constantly stunned and amazed by the glorious art produced by Star Wars: The High Republic fans and wanted to showcase just some of my favourites.
You have no idea how much it means to know that there are folk out there spending hours creating something inspired by our characters, be that art, models, costumes or even music.
So grab yourself a cuppa and bathe yourself in the luminosity of High Republic fandom!
First up, are these phenomenal custom pops of THR's three Firebrands...

They are the work of Cardinal Creates who I first met at Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim and was blown away by her first Avar Kriss funko. Seriously, I need these on my shelves.
Talking of the Hero of Hetzal, I adore this portrait of Avar Kriss meditating...

It's the gorgeous work of Julien Morvan who also produced this atmospheric portrait of our villain, Marchion Ro...

And if that wasn't enough, they also turned their attention to the Firebrands...

I mean... wow!
From Elzar, Avar and Stellan we move to a character very near to my heart...

I love the expression on Keeve Trennis' face in this portrait by Jedisknowledge, and talking about expressions...

This digital painting of Lys meeting Ember in my episode of the Young Jedi Adventures by RoaringJediArt just makes me smile!

The former Marshal of Starlight is back in the spotlight in this profile by Amy James. I love the little musical notes representing how Avar experiences the Force. Amy also captures a touching moment between Avar and Elzar in The Eye of Darkness.
Now, as I said before, I consider costuming and cosplay as art. I mean, just look...

Crochet cosplay? That's incredible. Hats off to instagrammer Shin who also posted the final costumes (plural) worn in a meet and greet with none-other-than Hayden Christensen! (Anakin meets the High Republic. Now that I'd like to see!)
Avar is also the subject of one of wayseekercosplay's latest photoshoots, although it's set during a darker time for Marshal Kriss...

In the caption to the original post, wayseekercosplay quotes the moment from the comic when Avar comes face-to-face with Lourna Dee...
I made a promise long ago... a covenant to anyone who could hear my voice. I said we would be a beacon in the darkness. That we would protect those who are afraid. And you... you made me a liar!
Best of all, the post also features a piece of music by the mega-talented Grushkov to soundtrack the moment - Kriss versus Dee.
Because, yes, High Republic fans also write original music for the series! Outstanding!
I also wanted to give a shout out to jacobsassemble for his wonderful High Republic mission attire...

He describes some of the work that went into it in his original post.
Finally, you may remember me posting cosplayer Nimblenoor's realisation that there was a Jedi in the High Republic that looked just like them. Well, now they've started work on the costume!

I can't wait to see the final result!
That's just a small selection of all the wonderful fan art out there. Please, please, please keep sending them my way and I will continue these showcases! You can tag me on Instagram, Threads or Bluesky and I'll see the posts!
Ask me anything
Before we go there's time for a quick question from Matt Moore:
Noticed that the checklist for The High Republic Phase III from Marvel has the series at eight issues instead of the 10 listed in issue #3. Just wanted to see if that was accurate.
I think this snap of what I'm working on today will answer your question, Matt...

Don't forget you can ask your own questions in the comment section or via my 'Ask me anything' form.
Now, if you excuse me, I need to get back to work on that script (and the following issue too!)
Until next time, take care of yourself and each other!